Within its scope of activity Investor AD offers a diverse but interrelated consulting services in the following areas:

  • brokering the sale, and respectively, purchase of real estate. We have experience and knowledge to point out the individual characteristics of real estate, defining them as attractive or not, the investment potential and possibility now or in time to be realized
  • consult and / or participate with you in the renegotiation and rescheduling arrangements for your financial obligations when you are hampered in their attendance at their initial procedure and conditions. We will offer you solutions that will protect you in cooperation on specific transactions requiring an individual approach to restructure the debts or obligations by partial and / or full implementation, replacing or assuming the debt of other potential customers, upon investor interest in existing securities related to the specific transaction
  • we prepare financial and investment analysis (business analysis and plans) to assess the status of enterprises, the efficiency of investment projects with initial or changed conditions, assessment of stocks (shares) of the capital of companies or parts of them. The analyses represent a complex study of the financial appropriateness of doing business intervention for development of the company business
  • we prepare business justifications consistent with your business in case of necessity for current and / or investment funds. We consult for optimization of the financial scheme for receipt or repayment of your financial commitments to your creditors and counterparties. For the purposes of business justifications we can put together a pro forma forecast statements meeting the requirements of the Bulgarian and / or international accounting standards.

